According to the Economy and Growth Prospects 2017 report published by the Central Bank of Nicaragua (BCN), the results of Nicaraguan macroeconomic development remain among the best in the region.

The IMF has warned about global risks that could adversely affect markets, like the refugee crisis in Europe, the severe drought in Africa, and the Middle East war, among other things. Despite these risks, the IMF has noted that Nicaragua's macroeconomic performance remains robust, highlighting its strong economic growth, supported by strong agricultural production, intense trading activity, and low inflation. The growth projections of the Nicaraguan economy continue to be positive and relatively high when compared to the growth rates of the rest of the countries in the region.

Credit rating agencies Moody's and Fitch also validated the country's good economic performance. They cited the moderate level of indebtedness of the central government, its history of pragmatic economic policies and highlighted the government's strategic alliance with the private sector as an important factor for the country's positive economic standing.

Date | Fecha: 26 de Mayo, 2017

Fuente | Source: International Financial Law Review


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